Note:Adaptation of the light novel series by Ryohgo Narita by the crew of the 2007 anime Baccano!, also adapted from Narita's novel.
Synopsis:The series is about a Dullahan working as an underworld courier in Ikebukuro. When Teito Ryugasaki enters a highschool in Ikebukuro, he is warned about the dangerous gang called "Dullahs" roaming the town. One night, he witnesses the "Headless Rider" who was supposed to be an urban legend. The rider turns out to be Celty Sturluson, a Dullahan from Ireland who came to Japan looking for her stolen head. Her motorcycle is actually a horse in disguise.
Opening Song: THEATRE BROOK "Uragiri no Yuuyake"
Ending Song: Yuuya Matsushita "Trust Me"